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AXIC, Inc.

Axic Benchmark 800-II®

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Axic Benchmark 800-II®


A cost-effective plasma processing system for Reactive Ion Etching (RIE) and/or Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD)

The BENCHMARK 800-II® Plasma Processing System from Axic, Inc. defines a new concept in RIL and Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) plasma processing Systems.  The system is based on a modular design starting with a universal chamber and cabinet unit with Planar, RIP and  Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) electrode modules available for easy installation into the chamber unit.  We're confident you'll find the ease of use, variety of plasma processes, serviceability and attractive pricing of the AXIC BENCHMARK 800-II® unsurpassed by any other plasma product on the market.


System Descriptions

In the research and devel-opment of plasma processing, there has always been a great need for a highly versatile and reliable tool. With ever changing requirements in plasma research, the system selected must offer the widest range of process parameters, a high degree of repeatability for process verification, and must he easily modified for new process requirements.We believe that the AXIC BENCHMARK 800-II® series of dry process systems satisfies these very demanding requirements.The AXIC BENCHMARK 800-Il® is a plasma tool used in research, process development or low volume production for precise etching and deposition on substrates up to eight inches in diameter.  The system can be operated in either a batch or single slice mode.In designing the AXIC BENCHMARK 800-II®, the prime directive was to create a system that incorporates the quality, reliability, repeatability and process control capabilities of dedicated production-oriented systems, while drastically reducing cost, maintenance and floor space requirements. The AXIC BENCHMARK 800-II®'s unique cabinet and electrode design allows for easy installation in a laminar flow module or cleanroom. Selection of proven, quality components, modular subassemblies, versatile chamber and electrode design, compact size, automation and field-proven process recipes make the AXIC BENCHMARK 800-II® from Axic, Inc. the plasma engineer's "system of choice.



  • Single chamber and dual chamber versions
  • Single-piece chamber construction
  • In-situ electrode spacing (PECVD version)
  • Replaceable gas showerhead
  • Proven process recipes
  • Field-proven components
  • Endpoint detection (option)
  • Multiple electrode configurations
  • Auto RF matching
  • Downstream pressure control (option)
  • Computer control with Windows programming
  • Multiple pumping options: mechanical, mechanical/blower, turbo



  • Single chamber and dual chamber versions
  • Single-piece chamber construction
  • In-situ electrode spacing (PECVD version)
  • Replaceable gas showerhead
  • Proven process recipes
  • Field-proven components
  • Endpoint detection (option)
  • Multiple electrode configurations
  • Auto RF matching
  • Downstream pressure control (option)
  • Computer control with Windows programming
  • Multiple pumping options: mechanical, mechanical/blower, turbo



The popularity of the AXIC BENCHMARK 800-II® is due primarily to its attractive cost of ownership and a highly versatile design, providing features and process benefits not found on most systems. These include a small footprint for laminar flow installations and multiple electrode configurations. Substrates up to eight inches in diameter can be processed.


Basic system

Basic components in the AXIC BENCHMARK 800-II® system include a Windows-based PC controller with recipe storage, two channels of mass flow control with expansion of up to six channels, temperature compensated capacitance manometer for measurement of process vacuum, 1OOmm vacuum plumbing for maximum process gas conductance, KF or ISO, fittings for ease of service, plus many other processing and service features. Gas lines are stainless steel with VCR connections.


Process Chamber

The AXIC BENCHMARK B00-II®s aluminum process chamber is constructed from a unique "single-piece" design. RIE,  Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) and Parallel Plate systems use the same chamber design.  The chamber's upper portion contains the top electrode and is available with in-situ variable electrode spacing.  The lower portion contains the substrate electrode, the vacuum pumping port and all necessary valves and vacuum monitoring equipment.  An automatic hoist raises the upper portion of the chamber for easy access to the lower electrode.



The RIE series of electrodes are specifically designed for maximum performance in the lower vacuum ranges. The stainless steel upper electrode contains the "showerhead" gas delivery system. The stainless steel bottom electrode is temperature controlled via an optional recirculating liquid bath. The RIE cathode is supplied with a dark space shield, confining the plasma between the two electrodes. The PECVD electrodes are of similar design. However, the aluminum lower substrate electrode is capable of being heated to 400°C, while the upper electrode (powered) is water cooled. The aluminum electrode has a gas induction port for rapid cool down after completion of deposition. For PFCVD applications the upper electrode spacing can be continuously varied between 1" and 3.5".


Plasma sources

A broad range of power and plasma frequences is available.  All power sources are solid state and air cooled wherever possible. Available power ranges from 300 to 1250 Watts and RF frequencies from 40 KHz to 2.45 GHz, with 13.56 MHz/6OO watts being standard. Aut o or manual matching networks are supplied where necessary.


Process pumping

The system is supphed either with a mechanical pump, mechanical pump and turbomolecular pump, or mechanical pump with Roots Blower, depending on process requirements. Various sizes of these pumps are available based on the required vacuum processing levels.



A Pentium computer is employed for complete system control.  This includes a hard drive, 1.44MB floppy disk drive'e, 8MB DRAM and a clock-calendar. Complete Windows software using multiple display windows for equipment control, datalogging, recipe setup and storage, and system interlocking is provided.



To further increase its capabilities, the AXIC BENCHMARK 8OO-II® offers a broad selection of available processing options, including endpoint detection, water chillers, oil filtration and purging systems, downstream pressure control and hard-anodized chamber.  Exhaust gas abatement systems can also be supplied. The dual chamber system can be configured in any combination of Reactive Ion Etch (RIE) and  Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD).  While a RIE/PECVD combination is the more obvious for versatility, a PECVD/PECVD combination is useful in avoiding cross-contamination for different deposition processes.




Single Chamber

Dual Chamber







Cabinet Height:



Total Height:





150-250 lbs. (depending on options)




110 V, 60Hz, 15 Amps


220 V, 50 Hz, 7 Amps (optional)


110 V, 60 Hz, 10 Amps (mechanical only)


220 V, 50 Hz, 5 Amps


For electrode cooling (70°F ± 5°F)


For valve operation (80 psi)


For chamber vent (15-20 psi)


Process gasses, VCR fittings.



Premier Solutions Pte Lte / Axic Benchmark 800-II®

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